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May 10, 2022

Naventus & Partners are proud to present our Healthcare Summit 2022!
We would like to thank you all for attending our Healthcare Summit, May 10th, 2022, at Grand Hôtel, Stockholm!
We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!
We would like to send a thank you to all the presenting companies:
Nanologica, Sprint Bioscience, Devyser Diagnostics, Paxman, Hamlet Pharma, Corline Biomedical, Acarix, Sigrid Therapeutics, Stardots, Senzime, Karolinska Development and Dicot.
And a special thank you to all our Partners:
Setterwalls Advokatbyrå, Deloitte, Nordnet & Nasdaq
If you are curious about the event, find exclusive interviews and more material here.